(Full docs coming soon); but it's pretty much like this:
- make some content:
function setListContent()
m.cellSettings = ml.listMixin.createCellSettings("ml_SimpleCell", [480, 320], 30)
m.rowSettings = ml.listMixin.createRowSettings(m.cellSettings, invalid, 30)
m.focusSettings = ml.listMixin.createFocusSettings(.5, .1)
listSettings = ml.listMixin.createListSettings()
m.list.content = ml.listMixin.createListContent(m.createData(), m.focusSettings, m.rowSettings, listSettings)
end function
private function createData()
content = []
for i = 0 to m.numberOfRows - 1
row = createObject("roSGNode", "ml_RowContent")
row.title = "some title"
row.appendChildren(m.makeItems(m.defaultCellType, 20))
end for
end function
- Respond to delegate events on your list
'++ list delegate
private function onCellWillGainFocus(rowIndex as integer, itemIndex as integer, direction as integer)
' ? "+SCREEN onCellWillGainFocus : R: "; rowIndex ; " I: " ; itemIndex; " D:" ; direction
end function
private function onCellDidGainFocus(rowIndex as integer, itemIndex as integer, direction as integer)
' ? "+SCREEN onCellDidGainFocus : R: "; rowIndex ; " I: " ; itemIndex; " D:" ; direction
end function
private function onCellDidLoseFocus(rowIndex as integer, itemIndex as integer, direction as integer)
' ? "+SCREEN onCellDidLoseFocus : R: "; rowIndex ; " I: " ; itemIndex; " D:" ; direction
end function
private function onRowDidGainFocus(rowIndex as integer, direction as integer)
' ? "+SCREEN onRowDidGainFocus : R: "; rowIndex ; " D:" ; direction
row = m.list@.getRowRenderer(rowIndex)
end function